
At Peterson Wealth Advisory we believe the focus of your finances should be on your net worth and the financial plan. Following a process to maximize net worth and continuously adjust to life events prepares you for the opportunities and challenges that arise.


Financial Planning

An ongoing relationship with Chris Peterson, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ who is committed to optimizing your financial life through financial planning.

When a client’s retirement, investments, taxes, insurance and estate plans are integrated under one financial plan they will realize the greatest benefits from our services. This requires an active and ongoing engagement where you share information and work together with Chris.

There is a big difference between having 40-page plan print out and real planning. Real planning is broader and deeper. It notices what goals are important to you and your family and why. It adapts to changes and seeks tactics that support strategies specific to your situation. Real planning is supported by technology, led by expertise, and improved through wisdom and experience.


Investment Management

I’ll design an investment portfolio based on your individual goals, time horizons, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs. No sales. No commissions. No nonsense. I’ll regularly rebalance your account, take advantage of tax-loss harvesting opportunities to save you money on your tax return, handle all cash management, and manage your portfolio with an evidence-based approach backed by decades of academic research.

A successful investment experience is met by focusing on factors within our control, including your risk tolerance, asset allocation, asset location, expenses, and taxes.


Tax Planning

Managing taxes is a fundamental part of our financial lives. Proactive tax planning is integrated with your financial planning and investment management strategies, helping you make the right tax moves before you even think about filing your returns. Coordination between your tax professional and Chris is key to limiting the impact of taxes.